Hackathon 2022: Reigniting internal culture & sparking new prototype ideas in a real life bootcamp

Last October 2022, Bonsey Jaden’s regional Web & Tech team held its first face-to-face meeting since the pandemic hit in 2020. What started as an outing event for 30 people turned into a full-fledged hackathon about AI-powered video search engines….

The Thai Way or the Highway: How Thailand kept its fighting spirit throughout lockdown

Over the course of the lockdown period of COVID-19, I joined The Standard Economic Forum and found one interesting statistic from KANTAR’s model for consumer segmentation—48% of Thais are ‘fighters.’ But what does that mean? COVID-19 has certainly affected everyone around the world, with every business and individual needing to adapt constantly. In my experience,…

Client Management Tips I’ve Learned From My Bossiest Client (AKA My 5-Year-Old Daughter)

When you’re a working mom, you realize that having a child waiting for you at home makes you feel like work never stops. This is especially true for me, because my job involves managing clients while also running multiple campaigns for them. At home, I have to deal with another VIP client—only she’s much smaller,…

Time to update: Does your website pass these vibe checks?

The pandemic has caught many of us off-guard. Brands and retailers were forced to shift their facade almost entirely online. In the past year, we have also received an increase of website-related requests from brand website revamp, microsites, e-commerce, loyalty apps, to migrating a physical cultural community online. The chain of events has indeed pressured…

What Responsive Is and How to Use It

Responsive web design is a design approach that makes websites and all pages display on all devices in any possible sizes or resolutions as it might be laptops, desktop computers, tablets, or smartphones. By designing responsive websites, your website or all included pages can be adapted with the best experience for your users, and it…

Every Experience Matters

Over the past decade, one of the most overused phrases in our world has been ‘Digital Transformation’. Discussions of ‘Digital Strategy’, for a ‘Digital First World’, have been the pivot around which businesses structured their investments, roadmaps and visions. A digital first world. A world In which the word Digital doesn’t really mean anything anymore….

Shoots are Cursed

I find that it’s always healthy to approach each shoot with the same mental disposition you have when watching a horror show. You can bet your soiled undies that there will be ghostly horrors behind the corner. And the sooner you’re comfortable with that level of discomfort, the better. My first two shoots at Bonsey…

Over The Rainbow: How BJPH Builds Inclusivity

In an era where companies slap the rainbow flag to show “solidarity” with the LGBTTQQIAAP (yes, the letters have increased recently), I often ask the question: Are they really one with us?

Before we get any further, let me set the tone: this will not be an article about the commodification of the genderqueer community’s struggle – there are far too many great resources on that. I’m an operations (gay) guy, and this is a discussion of how we are doing out best to champion inclusivity in Bonsey Jaden Philippines, or BJPH….

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